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Precision Harvesting of Invasive Aquatic Plants (no chemicals) With Tara Lordi and Bobby O'Shields

marcia sivek

My guests today are innovative and creative when it comes to removing aquatic weeds. They identified a problem and because of their love for beautiful healthy waterways, they created a solution in their company WeeDoo that preserves the health of aquatic life and native aquatic plants without chemicals.

Tara Lordi helped co-found WeeDoo with her husband and his father and was the marketing/salesperson. Since her husband’s death a few years ago, Tara has stepped up and is now running the show. She is very passionate about keeping waterways clean whether by using a precision weed harvesting boat like WeeDoo or by just getting out there and pulling the invasive weeds out by hand—any method if it doesn’t involve using chemicals. She also loves animals, is an avid equestrian and volunteers once a year to help victims of hurricanes, floods, or other natural disasters. Listen in to hear her volunteer adventure to rescue dogs from the Virgin Islands during COVID.

Unbeknownst to Bobby O’Shields his childhood job mowing lawns and tossing a rake with rope tied to it into a lake to pull out weeds, would help shape his role with WeeDoo today. Bobby started working with WeeDoo not too long after it was created. He now demonstrates and educates individuals, businesses, and governments in over 14 countries how to remove invasive aquatic weeds while preserving the native plants and aquatic life without using chemicals.

Tara and Bobby joined me on Zoom to tell us about the important work they do. It was a great conversation with passionate and enthusiastic guests. To learn more about WeeDoo visit They have some videos on their website showing the boats in action. Very cool to see if I say so myself.

Enjoy the episode.

Background music by: Downloaded from - Heads of People, Footwork Instrumental

Pictures in show notes provided by WeeDoo.

Instagram: @beprovided

Twitter: @beprovided

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